St. Augustine, FL Azadani Dojo helps to Understand Budo -THE PHYSICAL LEVEL AND BEYOND
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The Azadani Dojo in St. Augustine, Fl brings an understanding to a concept used in their Kyokushin-kan martial arts style. Budo is a technique that is implemented into the entire student body and kan (family) of Shihan Seyar Azadani’s teachings.
Budo originated from the Japanese traditions of Bushido; “The way of the warrior”. Budo arrived in Japan in the 16th century describing the Samurai lifestyle in the Koyo Gunkan. It became the reference for practicing martial arts techniques.
Defining Budo
Budo is a Japanese term used to describe modern Japanese Martial Arts. It is literally translated as “Martial Way” however the interpretation can be thought of as the “way of war” or the “Way of Martial Arts” Budo is simply a “Moral Code of Principles” that is studied through out martial arts training that is imprinted upon and applied throughout all aspects of a student’s life. It is a way of life that brings more abundance of “self” mentally, physically and spiritually.
Budo isn’t something words can completely explain, or is it something that will allow you to become a certified professional. The depth of Budo goes beyond any thing a textbook format could offer. It is a spiritual level of martial arts; a living spirit if I must say. An art that can only be mastered by self.
Beyond Physical
It is the act of martial arts that connects with the spiritual self; a higher level of self that moves throughout the body and mind. Once the connection between body, mind and higher self is established, a state of awareness engages like a high alert mechanism that gives full awareness to all things around it.
When the spirit of budo takes life, it empresses upon the body and becomes etched in the mind and naturally becomes a way of life. The spirit becomes like a melody of the heart and brings the body into a spiritual dance of life that never dies in spirit and knows and understands the value of self.
It’s the counter react of being acted upon to use the act as a reaction of intent. Other words when one understands the principles of budo they understand that when budo is manifested in its physical form it becomes an action or reaction of the martial art. Things such as kata is a physical form of training that helps discipline the body while engaged in combat. Budo comes as the remnant of the physical act. Practitioners of Budo are often thought of as the” Warriors of Love and Peace”. They are a special type of martial artist who knows the values of discipline in all aspects of their life and who will hold themselves accountable to “one’s self”.
Budo Kata
The physical practice of budo “Kata” is structured forms created to condition the body in practical combat movements. It gets your body physically and mentally ready to work together in correlation simultaneously for self-discipline in combat. In a budo manifestation, it is the physical dance of body and mind awareness.
“To know the Samurai, one must not only know the sword, but they must know how to use the sword and reflect upon the sword”. “The martial way of war”
Budo is a way of less practical techniques but more of the moral aspect of self. To master budo one must translate it to everyday life. The way you do something is just as important as the results of what you receive. Kata allows you to bring Budo into a physical reality to perfect and see.
Purpose of Budo
Think of budo as a “State of Awareness of Relaxed Alertness”. It is the Physical skill and mental ability meant to defy death and embrace life. The purpose of Budo was to perfect oneself; to master it in all levels of life. Martial Arts began as a military tactic to survive in battle. Budo is simply a pathway to one’s true character and learning their ultimate truth.
Budo did not originate in a peaceful atmosphere. In the era of the Samurai, it was the warrior’s duty to protect themselves. If they did not it was death that intruded their lives. In modern day martial arts has developed into a sport with a point system that determined the winner. However, in the age of the Samurai the winner was the one still breathing. Budo gives strength in character for self protection.
Mas Oyama- Founder of Kyokushin Karate
Mas Oyama the founder of the Kyokushin Karate art style once quoted,
“Karate that has discarded Budo has no substance, it is nothing more than a barbaric method of fighting or a promotional tool for the purpose of profit. No matter how popular it becomes, it is meaningless”
Karate is not to just beat someone up, it’s a way of life for self-protection, budo is what you get when you understand the true meaning of what it means
If you have ever heard the saying; “Once a leader always a student”
When you understand this saying to its fullest potential, you can begin to understand the true meaning of budo. Although budo can mean different things for different people the concept and principles will always remain.
This is what makes Shihan Seyar Azadani and the Azadani Dojo of St. Augustine, FL stand out, because he understands to be a leader he must always remain a student and improve daily to discipline himself to become what we all seek, and that’s the greatest version of ourselves.
This includes having key morals such as respect, honesty and integrity. Developing the strength to face endeavors with alertness and mental discipline without fear.